Best Vinyl Cutting Machine

Choosing the best vinyl cutting machine is not easy, because there are lots of models on the market. The first part if you want to buy vinyl cutter is you should know what do you plan to use the vinyl cutter for? If you use it for a hobby or use it at home, a personalized machine is suited for you. Besides, if you plan to work on a variety of the materials or use for complex designs, or use in large numbers. You should buy a commercial vinyl cutter.
If you finding the best vinyl cutting machine. We have a list of the best vinyl cutting machine that has best rated and reviewed. By following these vinyl cutting machine reviews. We desire to help you make more informed decisions.
8 Best Vinyl Cutting Machine
1. Cricut Maker

The Cricut Maker is a professional vinyl cutter for everyone. It offers 4 kilograms of cutting pressure which is 10X more cutting force. This Cricut Maker cuts 100 of materials from as thin as chiffon and silk to anything as thick as denim and canvas. In fact, it is a great vinyl machine for shirts.
Moreover, the Cricut Maker features the extra-deep blade that works like an X-ACTO knife to slice through heavy materials like 2.4 mm balsa wood and matboard. It offers rotary blade with its gliding and rolling action that make the blade cuts quickly and accurately without backing material. Overall, the Cricut Maker offers powerful cutting, flexibility, and capability. If you’re a serious craft hobby
If you’re looking for the best vinyl cutter for small business or you’re a serious craft hobby. This Cricut Maker is perfect for you, especially if you work with fabric or thick materials.
2. Cricut Explore Air 2 Machine

Create your personal DIY projects with the Cricut Explore Air 2 machine. It lets you cuts over 100 materials including cardstock, vinyl, iron-on vinyls, faux leather, paper, adhesive foils and more. It can cut and write up to 2x faster than the Explore Air. In addition, this Cricut explore air 2 is built-in Bluetooth for wireless cutting and writing.
If you don’t want to create your own image you can use the Cricut Design Space software that contains more than 3,000 ready-to-make projects. It also works with the traditional Cricut cartridges that is good for long-term Cricut fans. Finally, the Cricut explore air 2 machine is the best cricut personal cutting machine. It also is available in 3 different colors: matte black, mint, cherry blossom, persimmon and rose.
You can buy Cricut explore air 2 bundle here that’s good for beginners.
3. Silhouette CAMEO 3 Machine

The Silhouette CAMEO 3 machine is low-cost but efficient DIY cutting machine. It cuts over 100 materials including fabric, vinyl, cardstock, paper up to 12-inch wide. It also has an autoblade system and the capability to cut up to 2mm depth. Additional, this Silhouette CAMEO 3 allows to connect to your computer, android and iOS device wirelessly via built-in Bluetooth.
Furthermore, the Silhouette CAMEO 3 is PixScan compatible that allows you to load an image from your camera or smartphone and send them to the Cameo 3. It also features an auto adjusting blade and dual-carriages, so you can print and cut at once. Overall, the Silhouette CAMEO 3 is the best vinyl cutter for the money and great for beginners.
4. Silhouette America Portrait 2 Vinyl Cutting Machine

The Silhouette America Portrait 2 vinyl cutting machine is smaller and cheaper than the Silhouette Cameo 3. It is portable, lightweight and can be cut over 100 materials. The Silhouette Portrait 2 has 8-inch maximum cutting area that is less than CAMEO 3 model (12-inche maximum).
Additional, the Silhouette Portrait 2 features Bluetooth technology to ensures you can design in Silhouette Studio. It also offers AutoBlade system to allows automatically blade adjustment itself during cut job processing. Of course, it is compatible with the deep-cut blade, so you can cut up to 2mm thick that is great for cutting thicker materials such as craft foam and leather. Finally, this Silhouette Portrait 2 is cheap vinyl cutter and perfect choice for people on a budget.
5. USCutter MH-871 Vinyl Cutter

The USCutter MH-871 vinyl cutter offers a 34-inch blade that can be cut materials with a maximum width of 30.63-inche and length of 8 feet. It comes with three fully adjustable pinch-rollers for cutting a wide range of materials. With dual ball-bearing media roller system allows you to place the material on top of rollers rather than feeding through roll each time that saves time.
In addition, the USCutter Vinyl Cutter MH 34in comes with vinyl cutter PNC1000 drivers that makes it work with VinylMaster Cut as well as other popular software such as Sure Cuts Alot, SingBlaser, Flexi and SignCut Productivity Pro. It also includes vinyl rolls, magnetic blanks, transfer tapes, squeegee, knife, and lifetime phone support. Overall, the Vinyl Cutter USCutter MH 34in BUNDLE provides a good performance for personal use and also is a great for small business.
6. Brother ScanNCut2 CM350

The Brother ScanNCut2 CM350 is the only vinyl cutting machine with built-in scanning. It allows you to scan virtually anything via built-in 300DPI scanner and turn them into unique cutting designs to fit any project of your choice. Moreover, the Brother ScanNCut2 does not require any cartridges, dyes or monthly subscriptions because it has multiple built-in features for simplify the process.
The Brother CM350 also comes with LCD touch screen display, over 600 built-in designs and also has the ability to read SVG data files. It also allows users to edit designs on the LCD touchscreen. In addition, it allows you to connect wirelessly to transfer cutting files from ScanNCut Canvas directly to your machine and vice versa. In brief, this Brother CM350 is the best vinyl cutter under $300. It is perfect for beginners and users who want to keep away from learning new software.
7. Roland GS-24 Vinyl Cutter

The Roland GS-24 vinyl cutter delivers up to 10x overlap cutting and up to 350g blade force. However, it cuts materials from 2-inche to 27.5-inche wide like vinyl, twill, paint mask, sandblast material, heat transfers and more. This Roland CAMM-1 GS-24 also cuts up to 20-inche per second for maximum productivity.
Additional, the Roland GS-24 includes Roland CutStudio software that is specially-designed to work with Roland cutters for quickly, easily, and effectively. It also comes with a 3-year trouble-free warranty. Finally, this Roland GS-24 is the best commercial vinyl cutter. It accepts a wide range of materials and with 20 inches per second cutting speed feature that make it perfect for commercial use.
8. Graphtec PLUS CE6000-60 Vinyl Cutter

The Graphtec PLUS CE6000-60 vinyl cutter is 24-inch industrial grade cutting machine. The CE6000 Plus combines with the CE6000 series cutting plotter with the latest software. It features a max cutting speed of 39-inch per second and high cutting force with a wide range of material.
The Graphtec PLUS CE6000-60 offers overcut feature to ensures complete cutting of thicker materials by increasing the lead in and lead out lengths. Moreover, it features Auto-paneling that is automatically splits long-length jobs into smaller pages and cut sequentially without any gaps. It also includes 3 license keys for Pro Studio — a $2100 value.